Rosemary for Remembrance


Hermione Granger is lost.

More than a year after the war, she struggles to find the right path for her life outside of Hogwarts. Still haunted by fear and loss, and faced with a new world that seems less promising than she’s always imagined, Hermione feels herself caught at a dead end — and the nightmares don’t help, either.

When she runs into a familiar face on the night of her birthday, Hermione feels a spark of hope for the first time in a long time. Then, an opportunity for a fresh start presents itself, along with an old nemesis who seems to reignite her need to fight: both for herself, and for the life she’s always wanted.

Hermione jumps headfirst into a journey that forces her to face all of the things she wants to forget, while learning to cherish the messy, beautiful things she is called to remember — scars and all.

A post-war, slow-burn, enemies to lovers Dramione story about healing, redemption, and second chances. Featuring a full cast of your favourite snarky Slytherins.



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